Saturday, July 26, 2008

Thing #20- YouTube and TeacherTube

Okay, my results on YouTube cracked me up. What amazed me is how much video commentary, and highly creative video commentary at that, there is to be found. I found this little plug for a summer library reading program:

There was also this college kid who was just having fun creating, which I put on my blog for kicks. You have to watch for a bit, but the video does have a point (although I really couldn't use it at school). The point that I see is that this generation is much more open to using accessible technology, to taking the ball and running with it:

On TeacherTube, I found this rockin' little marimba ensemble:

It is great to have so many resources available, and there are so many interesting and creative videos to capture the students' attention, and in the case of TeacherTube, opportunities to inspire them by other student performances and creations. The drawback would be that you still have to cull through quite a bit to find what you want, tags only get you so far, and the quality of many of the videos is not impressive. For instance, there were tons of music-related videos, but I didn't find anything when searching for opera or operatic singing. I had to search for "music" or "singing" and then the number of videos was to huge to search. I couldn't find the right keyword for what I wanted.

1 comment:

Alice Grabowski said...

Loved Ike Larue! The books are great too! That dog has VOICE, and it was funny to actually HEAR him instead of just seeing his voice in print. Agrab.