Saturday, July 19, 2008

Thing #11- LibraryThing

It was so easy to enter books. What to enter first is/was the question. I just chose a random selection of favorites to enter. The tags made a neat cross-reference, and I played with it for quite a while. Still have not decided exactly how I want to tag things, and things are not quite in the order that I want, but that takes some refining. Right off the bat there were several groups of interest. Sometimes it is hard to find people who are reading or have read and would like to discuss the same books. This makes it easy. There is a Librarians Who LibraryThing group.

This should be an interesting resource for finding recommendations for personal reading from like-tasted people, as well as another way to feel out popular books that are currently on the market. As mentioned in several postings before this one, certain "recommenders" will probably become prefered, for personal and work-related reading.

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