Sunday, July 20, 2008

Thing #13-

I wish that I had known about this nearer to the start of the 23 Things, as there are several things that I would have bookmarked as I worked. I didn't put them in my favorites because I had no way of describing what they were. And this process was so easy to do!

This activity prompted me to clean out my favorites on my computer. While doing this, I appreciated the fact that I can not only tag each entry in, but add a description. In my favorites, I sometimes can't tell what a site is, or what type of information it contains, beyond what I have used as a title.

Furl and Ma.gnolia didn't offer as much information about their sites, so I would have been less inclined to use them, even though they many of the same type services or functions as I just couldn't tell as much about them from their tutorials and information.

Definitely a help on the home computer. It will be very useful for hobbies and for research. Unfortunately, most of my work-related bookmarks are on my school computer. Oh, well. Still, this will definitely make a difference at school, in organizing my resource material, as well as in finding other resources from other people. Teachers from within the school, as well as from other campuses and districts, can definitely benefit from this sharing, since different people will turn up different resources.

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